GrowthCode Use Cases

How publishers and vendors transform monetization and future-proof revenue -- without crippling margins

Increase eCMPs by providing data in bid requests.

Enrich your bid request with Universal IDs or Hashed emails. Brands are paying ~5-25% more for impressions with deterministic IDs - folks in the industry cite anywhere from 5% to 50% increase in the CPM paid.

Create revenue independence with your own graph.

With your own Identity mapping table for each user, you can maximize the value of your inventory. By creating a graph with multiple universal IDs, you provide additional granularity about each impression and enable demand partners to pay high CPMs for users they know.

Build and sell audiences without additional complexity

With contextual and onsite data linked to your users, you can simply 'bucket' attractive audiences for direct sales, work with DMPs or marketplace sales.

Build & Optimize Your Own ID Graph

Take control of the future of your monetization by building, optimizing, and maintaining your own identity graph


Acquire, build and deploy your 1P data identity and data graph with a cloud-based infrastructure


Technology in use:

  • ID Graph Core 
  • Sync Engine: Resolution server, Universal IDs, Pixel server
  • Data Hub


  • Future-proof monetization
  • Cut reliance on ID vendors
  • Build data factory for future monetization opportunities 


  • Create Pub ID/Shared ID
  • Map keys : Universal IDs and Pub ID
  • Resolve cookie traffic to deterministic keys
  • Stitch user attributes to keys
  • Data acquisition

Maximize the Value of Each Impression Using Your First-Party Data

Make sure each bid request obtains it's maximum value using bid enrichment


Enrich each request with identifiers appropriate for your demand stack


Technology in use:

  • ID Graph Core 
  • Sync Engine: Universal IDs, Pixel server
  • Data Hub


  • Increase yield by ~10% or more
  • Remove reliance on third-party cookie
  • Deliver impressions with the data currency they seek 


  • Leverages universal Identifiers from your ID Graph
  • Maintains addressability beyond third-party cookie deprecation
  • Reduces data leakage

Build & Monetize Audiences

Leverage your data to build and sell audience data


Generate and monetize audiences using either segment integration into activation platforms or Seller Defined Audiences (SDA) built and integrated directly into the bid request


Technology in use:

  • ID Graph Core
  • Synch Engine
  • Data Hub
  • Audience Hub


  • Increase CPMs
  • Future-proof monetization
  • Cut DMP & CDP overhead


  • Classify all pages for use in audience creation
  • Map/Create IAB Seller Defined Audience Segments
  • Inject SDA key values into bidstream
  • Append SDA attributes into publisher ID graph and CDP

Build & Monetize Data-as-a-Service

Create data-as-service revenue streams to diversify your revenue portfolio


Build data as a revenue line to leverage your unique community


Technology in use:

  • ID Graph Core 
  • Sync Engine
  • Data Hub


  • Future-proof monetization
  • Increase revenue streams
  • Build data factory


  • Operationalize 1P data and audience data for use in licensing
  • Secure/Safe sync of data into marketplaces
  • 1P data matching with partners
  • Data link & sync with partners
  • Data enrichment to increase value of 1P data

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